Do You Need to Buy Biodiversity Credits?

Most people understand that the planet is fragile. For life on Earth to continue, there must be a stable natural environment to support it. A strong, resilient ecosystem should be at the heart of life on Earth. If the ecosystem is resilient, it can survive as the climate changes. It will withstand floods, bushfires, and other extreme weather conditions. Increasing biodiversity and strengthening the ecosystem must be considered in all decisions made by both government and the private sector, and this is where biodiversity credits can help.

How is biodiversity under threat?

Australia has some of the greatest biodiversity on the planet. There are many species present in Australia that can't be found anywhere else, yet all is not well. Native vegetation continues to be cleared, destroying natural habitats and depriving native wildlife of somewhere to live. While few people enjoy the prospect of clearing vegetation and destroying habitats, in many cases, it is sadly necessary. All land has value, but income from land generally relates to how the land is used. Usually, that land will either be used for farming or building. If the land isn't being used, it has often been considered wasted, which has driven more land clearance. However, biodiversity credits offer a different approach.

How do biodiversity credits work?

If you own land that you might otherwise be clearing for farming or housing, biodiversity credits can offer funding to protect and manage the land instead. Biodiversity credits can also go beyond mere land management and fund the restoration of land that has a high conservation value. The money paid to landowners includes any costs incurred in the land maintenance or restoration. The money to pay the landowners comes from developers who buy biodiversity credits to be allowed to clear vegetation in the same region. In this way, while some land may be cleared, an equivalent amount of land will be protected or restored, ensuring the survival of the ecosystem.

Buying biodiversity credits

If you need to buy biodiversity credits, there are several things that you should check before proceeding with the purchase. Perhaps the biggest step is to identify the owner of the credits. In many cases, the owner of the credits will be the person who owns the biodiversity stewardship site, but that isn't always the case, so it is important to check who has the credit and whether they have the right to transfer it. Another consideration is whether the credits are still available for transfer. If you have any concerns, it is wise to ask questions and thoroughly examine the process to ensure that every aspect of the transfer is completed legally and per local regulations. 
